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President Trump is looking to a longtime leader of Wyoming wildlife to oversee the nation’s – as director of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
While ice patches preserve objects intact for long periods of time, the Draper Natural History Museum Curatorial Assistant said as soon as the ice melts things decay quickly. That’s why some objects in the exhibit are replicas.
Lander Mayor Monte Richardson died unexpectedly on Feb. 12. The City of Lander announced the news on its website Wednesday morning.
State lawmakers filed six bills this year aiming to chip away at the state's affordable housing crisis. Five of those bills died without any discussion.
But as of now, a new airline isn’t on the flight schedule for this summer.
The Wyoming National Guard was paired with the Tunisian military as part of the Department of Defense’s National Guard State Partnership program in 2004. The relationship has continued, and now the two parties hope to involve the education side even more.
It’s been almost a year since a Sublette County man ran down a wolf with a snowmobile and brought the live animal into a bar, sparking global outrage. One bill recently failed that would’ve banned the act of running a predator over with a vehicle on public land – something many wildlife advocates have called for.
Advocates from across the state gathered at the Wyoming State Capitol for Healthy Wyoming Day. Their goal was to push lawmakers on healthcare access and cost – Wyoming’s health insurance coverage gap was a specific focus.