Farmers in California's Imperial Valley have the single largest water allocation along the Colorado River. They say they need to be compensated before taking cutbacks.
For the first time, Wyoming is outlining specifically how it will manage its 22 state-operated elk feedgrounds going forward. The department released a draft plan, and it is a shift from how the state has historically done things. Wyoming Public Radio’s Caitlin Tan spoke with Mark Gocke, Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s public information specialist.
At this year’s International Climbing Festival in Lander, a unique clinic was offered by pro climber and six-time paraclimbing National Champion and World Champion Justin Salas. Salas’ clinic “The Fundamentals of Visualization” concentrated on just that – mentally visualizing climbing routes rather than depending on sight.
In a tiny town on a lonely stretch of Nevada highway, a drugstore, and everything in it, is almost exactly as it was on the day it closed – more than 4 decades ago.
Back before cameras existed, artists would paint in front of their subjects, whether that be a person or a landscape. Since photography was invented, many artists instead rely on photos of their subjects. But Tony Foster is a watercolor painter who backpacks into the wilderness to paint the landscapes he finds. His most recent exhibit at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West focuses on his adventures along the Green River.
The University of Wyoming State Vet Lab has a biocontainment facility, and within that there’s a necropsy facility. It was used recently for the first time to diagnose animal infections that have the potential to transfer to humans.
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Today on the show the federal government is spending billions on infrastructure projects, including ecosystem restoration. A look at what those dollars are buying for one Wyoming project. Wyoming is taking its first try at how to manage elk feedgrounds going forward. A draft plan was recently released. The Colorado River’s biggest water user is under a lot of pressure to cut back on demand. It’s a group of farmers in Southern California, and they have an idea of how to use less. And we meet plein air landscape artist Tony Foster who has an exhibit in Cody of the Green River. Join us for those stories and more on Open Spaces from Wyoming Public Radio News.