The Wyoming Senate voted Friday to cut funding to local governments for the coming year. The reduction is part of the need to address the loss of revenue…
Wyoming Governor Matt Mead is calling on legislators to pass a bill that expands Medicaid services in the state. During his State of the State message…
State lawmakers this week will hear proposals to add an individual right to privacy to the Wyoming Constitution.The Digital Information Privacy Task Force…
The Legislature’s Joint Education Interim Committee voted 10 to three Thursday to support providing adjustments to school funding based on inflation.The…
Nationwide, including Wyoming, states are working to build huge databases that can track students from preschool all the way into the workforce. In the…
Members of Wyoming's Republican leadership raved about the legislative session that wrapped up Thursday, praising the state budget and lawmakers' support…
The Wyoming Senate Rules Committee has passed a bill that would let a group of legislators work on amending the bill that took away the bulk of powers…
After defeating a series of Medicaid expansion bills earlier this week, the Wyoming Senate voted to introduce a compromise measure.Laramie Democrat Chris…
For over a decade the state has struggled with making sure all citizens had access to health care. Much of this had to do with the fact that many Wyoming…
Governor Matt Mead said that Wyoming is strong and getting stronger. During his annual State of the State address before the legislature, Mead urged…