After defeating a series of Medicaid expansion bills earlier this week, the Wyoming Senate voted to introduce a compromise measure.
Laramie Democrat Chris Rothfuss is the sponsor. The bill would enable the state to expand Medicaid for one year, during which time it could ask the federal government for the ability to devise its own expansion plan for the next three years.
"In other words in about three and a half to four years from now we'd get another look at this and we would have to take affirmative action to continue the expansion. My hope this that will assuage some of the concerns about us getting into this and not being able to get back out. We'll have to vote to stay in Mr. President."
Rothfuss said the Wyoming of the version Medicaid program could incorporate private insurance among other things.
He also said that since Wyoming would be using federal money for the program that the state could save over 40 million dollars. Rothfuss says his bill suggests saving that money to be used to transition out of the program if it doesn't work.
The bill heads to committee for further consideration.