After meeting with its actuaries, the Wyoming Retirement System learned it’s doing better than expected. That’s thanks to the legislature’s increases to…
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill will soon be returning to lead the Wyoming Department of Education. Unless you’ve been under rock,…
University of Wyoming President Dick McGinity wrapped up his first legislative session last month and he calls it quite a learning experience. He joined…
The State Board of Education has decided to hold off on making any decisions about how to move forward with development of science standards. A footnote…
The Wyoming legislative session wrapped up this week and three issues dominated. One was the state budget. Another was the legislature’s decision to…
We just heard legislators discussing some of the issues of the past session, but we also chatted with some who attended the session. Wyoming Public Radio…
Outgoing Speaker of the House Tom Lubnau says he is wrapping up his legislative career. The Gillette Republican is a fierce advocate for coal and the…
Grizzly bear management and Wyoming Game and Fish employee health insurance will be covered out of the state’s general fund in future budget cycles. The…
The Wyoming Senate gave final approval to a bill that sets aside $5 million for school districts to place cameras on school buses to catch motorists who…
The Wyoming House of Representatives began debating a bill that would increase the bonding required from oil and gas developers who need to drill on…