A new report details the under-representation of women in Wyoming politics - both in Cheyenne and on local councils and commissions. But, the report…
Wyoming will witness history this year as it elects two women to Congress. Newcomer and Northern Arapaho tribal member, Lynnette Greybull, will face…
Today marks the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote in the United States. But that right came much earlier in the Mountain West.
Even though women in Wyoming were allowed to vote, run for office and get involved in politics back in 1870, it took much longer after that for women of…
There's an ongoing debate in the American West about which state granted women the right to vote first. Wyoming ratified the decision first in 1869 but…
In Wyoming history, only 119 women have won legislative races. Since about half of the state is made up of women, it means they seriously lack…
Early May, the Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum hosted virtual beers and banter over Zoom."I'm excited that we're able to come together and…
During the legislative session, Representative Andi Clifford's days start before dawn. So, when her friend Representative Sara Burlingame picks her up…
The Wyoming Humanities Council is releasing a new podcast that celebrates the 150-year anniversary of women's suffrage in the state. Wyoming was the first…
Mary Ellbogen Garland is this year's recipient of the "Making Democracy Work" award. The League of Women Voters of Wyoming gives the annual award to…