A new federal map shows nearly half of the U.S. could experience a landslide, and the risk is especially high across the Mountain West region.
WYDOT had hoped it could beat snowfall and wrap up work on Teton Pass by November. But, the full landslide repairs will now have to wait until next summer.
A landslide recently wiped out part of the highway on Teton Pass, tripling drive times for thousands of people commuting between Northwest Wyoming and Eastern Idaho. With climate change and aging infrastructure, experts say other mountain communities could see similar disasters.
The commuter bus between Driggs, Idaho and Jackson will follow an alternate route and schedule that adds over an hour to commutes starting Monday morning. Gov. Mark Gordon has issued an emergency declaration to garner federal support.
The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) may soon adopt technology that could give them an earlier warning when a "creeper" landslide is occurring…
A landslide in a popular area of the Bridger-Teton National Forest in Wyoming's western mountains has locals worried about the region's economy. Moist…
A private consultant presented preliminary options for a more permanent fix to a creeping landslide in Jackson at a Town Council meeting yesterday. The…
A slow-moving landslide has displaced homes and businesses in Jackson, and the town has been working to deal with the problem for weeks. Wyoming Public…
A creeping landslide on Jackson's East Gros Ventre Butte, that has forced the evacuation of homes and businesses, appears to be slowing down.Charlotte…
Jackson is shutting off water today to homes and businesses on the north side of West Broadway as part of its ongoing response to the creeping hillside…