The Gillette City Council is currently debating whether or not to adopt a hate crime ordinance. It’s passed two of three readings since being introduced late last month. And it’s proven to be a hot topic. The council chamber is filled with residents earlier this month waiting to voice their opinions on the second reading of the hate crime ordinance. They’ve had to wait as the council conducted its regular business before hearing public comment on the issue. When they finally had the chance to speak--some of the comments were heated.
The nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization reports that Wyoming and many other states need more…
On a crisp late fall afternoon, Colin Monahan and Shannon Lastowski Monahan were about to relax after a nice dinner with friends at their home in Wapiti,…
Hate crimes across the country were up 17 percent last year, according to the latest data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation out this week.
Saturday's attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh has focused attention on the rising number of hate crimes in this country. In 2016, according to the latest…
Family members and law enforcement in Gillette fear that the bullying of a gay man in Gillette may have led to a suicide. The issue has once again drawn…
Two Wyoming groups have started a petition urging lawmakers to pass a hate crimes bill in the state.Hate crime laws impose tougher penalties on criminals…
The Riverton Police Department will soon hire a staff member to investigate claims of race-based discrimination.The person hired for the position will not…
On July 18, a white city parks employee walked into Riverton’s Center of Hope detoxification center with a .40-caliber handgun and shot two Native…