Cody’s controversial Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints temple project was finally approved.
On July 18, the Laramie City Council approved bylaws for the city’s Police Advisory Board. This development comes just two weeks after the board itself was created in early July. The bylaws outline the board’s purpose, membership, responsibilities, training procedures and more.
The Gillette City Council is currently debating whether or not to adopt a hate crime ordinance. It’s passed two of three readings since being introduced late last month. And it’s proven to be a hot topic. The council chamber is filled with residents earlier this month waiting to voice their opinions on the second reading of the hate crime ordinance. They’ve had to wait as the council conducted its regular business before hearing public comment on the issue. When they finally had the chance to speak--some of the comments were heated.
Cities in Wyoming are reworking their liquor laws after the legislature removed state-level restrictions during this year’s session.Lawmakers rolled back…
People in Pinedale have a lot to say about their mayor, Bob Jones—and not much of it is nice.Longtime councilman Tim Lingle says his day-to-day has become…
Next month the Casper City Council will vote to remove or change the city’s smoking ban. At the very least, councilors are considering exempting bars,…
Voters in Laramie have backed changing the way city councilors there are elected.Currently, voters pick city councilors to represent seven wards and two…