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On this episode, we will look at how lawmakers addressed a long-standing issue in the state. There's a proposal to try and find a solution to the problem of rural teachers who leave their jobs quickly. Rural Western communities are facing a housing crunch, just like cities and resort towns. But experts say it's not too late to turn things around. Those stories and more.
Wyoming has some of the highest juvenile incarceration rates in the country and some of the highest teen suicide rates as well. Such data has a lot of Wyomingites looking for outside-the-box solutions for helping kids before they face these hurdles. Jonathan Updike grew up in Wyoming and ended up at Stanford, working on an innovative program called Allcove, which gets kids designing their own intervention strategies. Wyoming Public Radio's Melodie Edwards asked Updike about his own story of growing up in the state.
A new study from the Nature Conservancy in Wyoming found that many wildflowers and other plants in the Grand Teton-Yellowstone area are blooming and bearing fruit earlier than they did 50 years ago. Wyoming Public Radio's Kamila Kudelska asked ecologist and co-author Trevor Bloom how the study came about.
Products like non-stick pans and waterproof jackets have something in common – they’re often made with chemicals known as PFAS. But the man-made chemicals don’t break down in the environment – or our bodies. And they’re suspected of causing cancer and other health problems. The Mountain West News Bureau’s Madelyn Beck reports on efforts to ban PFAS in a popular winter product – ski wax.
Across the West, women are changing the ways land and livestock are managed. Ashley Ahearn saddled up for the Mountain West News Bureau to chronicle their big dreams – and daily challenges. This is the third story of a three-part series.
Thanks to American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and increased revenue, the Wyoming legislature took a crack at addressing a longtime problem in the state: the lack of mental health care services. Lawmakers voted to put millions of the federal dollars into the effort.
Alex Martin is a young education professional who moved here from Washington state. She's been in Wyoming for about two years and she's not sure whether she'll stay. Although Martin isn't a teacher, her situation is similar to many young rural professionals who move to the state.
Savannah Medina is a mom of seven who lives in Victor, Idaho. She drives a Dodge Durango to accommodate her large family-and it doesn't exactly get great gas mileage.