Child Sexual Abuse Investigations More Successful With Teamwork
It’s hard to accept, but child sexual abuse can happen in any community. Prosecuting these crimes means that kids have to disclose the details of what happened. As Wyoming Public Radio’s Tennessee Watson reports there are things that law enforcement, prosecutors and social services can do to help kids navigate that process.
Cheney Pushes Back On Criticism Over Vote On Anti-Hate Resolution
Wyoming Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney turned some heads in Washington last week when she opposed a resolution denouncing all forms of hate. She was one of a mere 23 who voted against the measure. Correspondent Matt Laslo has the story from Washington.
Wyoming's New Open Records Law Could Bring About More Accountability
It's Sunshine Week, where media outfits are discussing public access to meetings and documents. Wyoming has never been a leader in this area, but a new law could change things. Lawmakers passed an Open Records law this year that requires entities to meet records requests in 30 days.
UW Students Voice Their Opinions On New Student Housing Law
A new law passed by the legislature gives UW the ability and funding for new student housing construction. This bill came about after years of discussion about what to do about student housing. Nolan Behnke reports.
"We Don't Look Away And Hope The Storms Not Coming": The Pros And Cons Of The Carbon Tax Idea
A bi-partisan group of lawmakers in Washington has proposed a bill that would impose a fee on carbon producers, passing that money along to the American people. But the idea of any sort of carbon tax is a prickly one. For our series “I Respectfully Disagree,” Wyoming Public Radio’s Melodie Edwards spoke with the Citizen Climate Lobby’s Mary Keller—a supporter of the idea—and Robert Godby, an energy economist at the University of Wyoming who has problems with it. Keller starts by explaining how this one is different from other carbon tax proposals.
Legislators Look To End Oil And Gas Land Grab During Interim
Horizontal drilling is changing the game for the oil and gas industry - its also creating a host of new problems. State regulations haven’t kept up with the new technology, and it’s resulted in a ‘race to operator-ship.’ Wyoming Public Radio’s Cooper McKim reports the legislature has a plan to tackle it.
Albany County Officials Caught Between Transparency And Fiscal Responsibility
March 10-16, 2019 was Sunshine Week. The annual event recognizes the importance of access to public information, and the journalists who defend a culture of transparency. Wyoming Public Radio News Director Bob Beck sat down with reporter Tennessee Watson to talk about what's behind the struggle to get elected officials in Albany County to talk about a recent officer-involved shooting.
Winchester's Surprising Marketing Strategy Helped Cement Their Place In The West
If you are a Wild West film fan, then you've probably seen Winchester '73, True Grit and High Noon. Besides being films about the West, all of these films also feature a Winchester Model 1873 rifle. The carbine has widely been credited as being the gun that won the West. Danny Michael, the assistant curator at the Cody Firearms Museum, said the history might be a little iffy on whether the rifle really won the West, but it still may have had an impact.
Gillette's Streets Crew Keeps Town Moving After Storm
This week’s snowstorm brought several inches of snow and snow drifts between 3 and 6 feet high. Wyoming Public Radio’s Catherine Wheeler found out that getting rid of that snow is harder than you think.