Dane Weaver of Ten Sleep has been awarded Wyoming's 2020 teacher of the year. Weaver has been teaching social studies in Ten Sleep to seventh through 12th graders for the past three years. He said social studies is all about building critical thinking skills.
"This has to be done through primary sources, digging through the content, looking at what people actually did so my mode of education is a very active teacher," said Weaver.
The Wyoming Department of Education awards the honor to one teacher a year. The recipient acts as a representative for the teaching profession in the state for the upcoming year to Department of Education, the legislature and local communities. Weaver said he hopes to remind fellow teachers about the impact they can have to their students and hopes to help the state recruit teachers.
"Wyoming is truly the state that puts education first. Schools here enjoy just overwhelming support at state and local level," said Weaver. "Wyoming doesn't care where you come from as long as you can teach affectively and translate results for our kids.
Weaver is originally from Tennessee.
Have a question about this story? Contact the reporter, Kamila Kudelska, at kkudelsk@uwyo.edu.