Idaho's abortion bans permit doctors to perform abortions to prevent the death of a pregnant woman, but not to preserve her health. This lawsuit is aiming to change that by expanding the medical circumstances in which abortions are allowed.
Crisis pregnancy centers have become more prevalent, and lawmakers want to investigate their fundingCrisis pregnancy centers, which are largely places that convince women not to go forward with abortions, have increased since the fall of Roe v. Wade. Some Democratic lawmakers want to see how much federal funding these centers are getting.
The Labor, Health and Social Services Committee’s top subject during this interim was how to increase the number of labor and delivery and maternity health care professionals in the state. This, after the state lost three labor and delivery units over the past six years.
A constitutional amendment to protect abortion access will appear on the Nevada ballot as Question 6The Nevada Secretary of State announced on Monday that a constitutional amendment to protect abortion access in Nevada will appear on the November 2024 ballot as Question 6.
Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico all rank in the bottom ten states nationwide when it comes to how healthcare systems are working for women.
The first-ever Wyoming Reproductive Freedom Summit took place in Lander on June 22. It comes as Wyoming grapples with how to regulate abortion, which remains legal for now. Panels of healthcare providers, clergy, lawmakers and patients considered the uncertain future of abortion care in the state and the ripple effects of that uncertainty.
The first-ever Wyoming Reproductive Freedom Summit took place last weekend at the Lander Convention Center on June 22. More than 150 people gathered to talk about the state of abortion care in the state. The summit was hosted by Chelsea’s Fund, a non-profit abortion advocacy organization.
Since 2018, three delivery units have shut down in Wyoming, significantly decreasing the number of OBGYNS in the state. A committee dedicated to addressing the issue came out of a recent meeting with more questions than answers.
The Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Committee took on this issue as an interim topic. Testimony from health and state officials paint a picture of decreasing deliveries, difficulty recruiting and retaining OB-GYNs, and closures of labor and delivery units in the state.
Polling from the Coalition group shows the majority of Idahoans support abortion cases in “some or most cases.”