The Wyoming Legislature is shifting into budget mode as it begins work on its $2.8 billion budget. The budget is about $200 million less than the one it approved two years ago, but it also benefits from the federal American Rescue Plan or ARPA money that state lawmakers have used to strategically replace some cuts and invest for the future.
The Northern Arapaho tribe is putting together a hemp commission to determine the finer points of growing and distributing hemp on the Wind River Reservation.
A legislative committee has voted to support a film incentives bill.
Oil prices have increased significantly since the disastrous decline in oil prices and production caused by the pandemic. Wyoming's oil industry hasn't yet rebounded to pre-COVID levels, but is growing steadily.
Due to the regular boom and bust cycles in the state and Wyoming's continued struggle to attract and retain younger workers—the never-ending discussion on the need to diversify the state economy continues. During the recent Governor's Business Forum hosted by the Wyoming Business Alliance, some had hope about the future. Wyoming Public Radio's Bob Beck has more.
Jackson Hole is in a unique position in Wyoming. While it's a cornerstone of the state's economy, it's often considered separate from the equality state. Energy and natural resources reporter Cooper McKim recently visited the western Wyoming town to gauge how locals felt about the state and the area's future. He spoke with news director Bob Beck about the visit.
In a press conference on Monday, Governor Mark Gordon discussed his proposed 2023-24 budget that would attempt to restore some of what he called the "Draconian" cuts of last year.
In a new report from the Wyoming Division of Economic Analysis, Niobrara County's sales and use tax dropped a little over 50 percent in the first three months of 2021 compared to 2020. But the decline is slightly misleading.
Wyoming's Economic Analysis Division says the first quarter of 2021 included major losses in jobs and revenue from the previous year. Places like Niobrara, Converse and Campbell counties experienced huge drops in sales and use taxes.
The Wyoming legislature has started work on a budget that proposes $450 million in cuts. The reductions are due to declining revenues from the energy…