Cases of pediatric RSV are spiking around the state. RSV is a virus that is usually seen around this time of the year, but this year has been worse than usual. Hospitals in Colorado have set up a triage center where all hospitals statewide have to report available pediatric beds.Meanwhile, Wyoming is experiencing a surge but not overcapacity said Cheyenne Regional Medical Officer Dr. Jeff Storey.
At one point earlier this month, Teton County had the highest COVID-19 case rate per capita in the country. Many other Western mountain towns were also at the forefront of the Omicron surge in our region, but hospitalizations and deaths have so far remained low in the resort communities. KHOL's Will Walkey reports.
Elective surgeries are being canceled or delayed throughout Wyoming. The causes are many, but the primary culprit is the Delta variant, which continues to wreak havoc on hospitals throughout one of the county's least vaccinated states.
Over in the northwest part of the state is Sublette County. It's the only county in the state without a hospital and it's in the top five for lowest vaccination rates in the state. Wyoming Public Radio's Caitlin Tan brings us this story.
Wyoming has roughly a 39 percent vaccination rate against COVID-19 and is seeing its hospitals fill up. State health officials say that approximately 96 percent of those in the hospital have not been vaccinated. Another fact is that by the time many reach the hospital they have serious cases of COVID-19 because they didn't seek treatment when symptoms first arrived. Dr. Donald Lloyd Jones is the President of the American Heart Association and the Director of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. He tells Wyoming Public Radio's Bob Beck why Wyoming's numbers concern him.
An Amtrak train derailment in rural north-central Montana on Sunday killed three people and sent several passengers to far-flung hospitals, further burdening ICUs full of COVID-19 patients.
In Las Vegas, county commissioners passed a resolution calling misinformation a "public health crisis," while Idaho's public health department is cracking down on misinformation on Facebook.
When hospital workers are overwhelmed by a public health crisis and unable to provide standard care, crisis standards of care dictate who gets what kind of treatment.
“Almost all of them tell me, ‘I had no idea it was like this. If I had only known I would have gotten vaccinated. If I had only known I would have taken this so much more seriously,’” says an ICU nurse in North Idaho. “For them it’s already happened. They can’t go back and change their decision.”
Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County has opened a second COVID unit in its same day surgery department. This comes about a week after the hospital announced it was canceling elective surgeries due to increase of COVID-10 patients and staff shortages.