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On this episode, Terra Power announced that a Natrium Nuclear Reactor is going to be placed in Kemmerer and the state senator from the area will join us to talk about it. Some are questioning whether it's ethical to get a booster vaccine. Climate change is impacting downhill ski season. Join us for those stories and more.
Bill Gates' company TerraPower and the utility Rocky Mountain Power have picked the Wyoming coal town of Kemmerer as the location for a $4 billion, electricity-generating nuclear reactor. Optimism is high but the technology's unproven.
Senate President Dan Dockstader of Afton has had an interesting couple of years. Managing through COVID-19 and numerous budget challenges were interesting enough, but he's also been working to either stop the shut down of coal-fired power plants in the state or at least slow the process down.
"It's the most gratifying job I'll ever have," says a former hotshot. "But it's also a job that made me contemplate suicide and think that my family was better off with a life insurance check than being around what turned into seasonal depression."
An ecology Ph.D. student is in Jackson Hole this fall studying winter ticks and their effect on the local moose population, and he's getting some help from a furry sidekick.
The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines seems to wane over time. And Pfizer and Moderna booster shots are currently being recommended for fully vaccinated Americans who are 18 and older. Wyoming Public Radio's Jeff Victor wondered if it's still a good idea to get one.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Usually, that means the start of downhill ski season. But in many places, there isn't enough snow on the ground. Wyoming Public Radio's Kamila Kudelska looks at how climate change may be impacting ski areas.
Jackson Hole is in a unique position in Wyoming. While it's a cornerstone of the state's economy, it's often considered separate from the equality state. Energy and natural resources reporter Cooper McKim recently visited the western Wyoming town to gauge how locals felt about the state and the area's future. He spoke with news director Bob Beck about the visit.
Kinli is a Laramie Middle School student with asthma and congenital lung conditions. She lost a family member to COVID and almost lost a second. Wyoming Public Radio's Jeff Victor spoke to Kinli about finally getting vaccinated. She says everyone who is able to get a vaccine should get one — especially to protect the immunocompromised people who can't get one themselves.
A few years back, the Northern Arapaho Tribe's historic preservation officer Yufna Soldier Wolf sent a letter to the U.S. Army, asking to exhume the graves of three boys buried at a former Indian boarding school. The army wrote back, refusing. But Soldier Wolf wrote again and again until the army relented. Now a new documentary traces this story of how the tribe brought back their children to rebury on the Wind River Reservation. Wyoming Public Radio's Melodie Edwards sat down with Soldier Wolf after the film's premiere on the University of Wyoming campus and asked her why it felt important to share this story with the world.