Record levels of snow this winter have left Wyomingites wondering if flooding is going to be a problem this spring. Experts say it all depends on how quickly things warm up. Specifically, in the west and central parts of the state there could be some potential flooding as soon as this weekend.
Cloud seeding will stop about a month early over the Sierra Madre Mountain Range in southern Wyoming because of the high snowpack this year.The state of Wyoming sponsors cloud seeding programs in three mountain ranges in the state – the Wind Rivers, Medicine Bow and the Sierra Madres.
Wyoming’s snowpack has risen to the point where heavy flooding is more and more likely. State Hydrologist Lee Hackleman says snowpack has climbed from…
Heavy spring snow has boosted the state’s snowpack levels to almost 100 percent of normal.Lee Hackleman, Wyoming's Water Supply Specialist, says that…
While much of the state is at or slightly above average when it comes to snowfall this year, the eastern and southern portions of the state are well below…