A bomb squad defused a bomb found in an oil field equipment yard a mile outside Upton on Nov. 30. Weston County Sheriff’s Office is investigating leads but don’t yet have a suspect.
Alison Ochs Gee, Micheal J. McGrady and Ronald Wirthwein Jr. have been selected for the Governor’s consideration
Starting on Monday, Nov. 6 folks in Sheridan, Gillette or Buffalo may see green lights instead of the normal hue. Northeast Wyoming is participating in Operation Green Light, which is meant to show support for veterans that may have mental health problems.
The Youth Emergency Services House, or Y.E.S. House in Gillette has housed young adults ages 18-24 at the Brook Street Inn as part of their Youth Homeless Demonstration Project. Approximately 30 young people from Northeast Wyoming have been housed at the leased hotel since the program's inception in October 2021.
NEW Crowd is is a collaboration of regional economic development organizations working together to increase access to capital to both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors in the five northeastern counties. A $25,000 grant was awarded earlier this year, which will help different initiatives to crowdfund. A lack of options for access to capital has been a long time issue that many small businesses and other organizations have had to contend with in northeast Wyoming and statewide.
The American Freedom Convoy is making its way to Washington, D.C. to protest COVID-19 mask and vaccine mandates as well as vaccine passports. Several hundred people were in attendance in Gillette to offer support to the truckers in addition to funds to help cover the costs associated with participating in the convoy.
The Game and Fish Department plans to ban sage grouse hunting in most of northeast Wyoming. Parts of eastern Wyoming are already off limits, and now, sage…