Chelsea Biondolillo is a prose writer living in Wyoming. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Shenandoah, River Teeth, Passages North, Hayden’s…
Manasseh Franklin is a Creative Nonfiction and Environment and Natural Resources MFA candidate. While she's proud of her east coast roots, she's happy to…
Ginger Ko studies at the University of Wyoming’s MFA in Creative Writing program. Her poetry and reviews have appeared in smoking glue gun, Anti-, TYPO,…
Eric Krszjzaniek is earning his Masters degrees in English and Environment & Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming. Having spent most of his life…
Adrian Shirk was born in a now-defunct Manhattan maternity ward. Her nonfiction has appeared in Wilder Quarterly, The Airship, Owl Eye Review, 7Stops…
Rebecca Golden is a candidate for the Master of Fine Arts in creative nonfiction at the University of Wyoming. She's the author of a memoir, "Butterbabe:…
Here's a series of essays exploring "the wonderfully odd and unexpected linkages" between the Massachusetts seashore and the Wyoming prairie. Jeff…