Members of the legislature’s Joint Appropriations committee say they are very concerned about how to pay for the construction and maintenance of new…
The University of Wyoming Board of Trustees voted Wednesday to finalize UW’s 2017-2018 state budget request.The University is asking the state for about…
Wyoming Governor Matt Mead presented his 156-million dollar budget to the Joint Appropriations Committee and said that he wants to focus on a number of…
Due to the summer, turnout may not be high during today’s primary election. That will mean that fewer people will decide some key races. One of the hotly…
The Eastern Shoshone tribal liaison has stepped down from her position, saying the governor and legislature were disrespectful to her, both as a woman and…
Wyoming Governor Matt Mead says the plan by the Environmental Protection Agency to require carbon pollution limits on new power plants is too limited and…
Calling water a valuable Wyoming resource, Governor Matt Mead’s office is in the process of developing a long term water strategy similar to the recently…
Wyoming Governor Matt Mead says he is still weighing the attributes of the three finalists for the state’s new Education Director. The Director would run…
As testing continues on whether fracking contaminated groundwater in the Pavillion area, Governor Matt Mead and state officials will host a meeting next…
Wyoming Governor Matt Mead admits that interest in wind energy has cooled off for a bit, but he hopes things will turn around soon. One issue is the…