At least 50 cattle across three herds died from anthrax in the Elk Mountain area this summer. It’s the first outbreak in Wyoming in at least 50 years. A lawmaker said the state’s lack of “follow-up” in the aftermath prompted him to take action.
Roughly half a million dairy calves were transported from seven states in the upper U.S. to calf-rearing operations in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas in 2022, according to an investigation conducted by the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), creating potential health risks for animals and people.
On a recent early, crisp morning, 2,000 cows moved through the sagebrush in the Upper Green River Basin. Their ‘moo’s’ echoed through the valley as cowboys on horseback pushed them along.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced several program changes that aim to help farmers and ranchers. The department is also expanding disaster and pandemic assistance programs.
A recent report by the University of Wyoming Extension looks into methods to mitigate the impacts of horn flies on the cattle industry throughout the Cowboy State and Mountain West.
Agriculture industry leaders in the state got together to discuss new technology for cattle producers at a recent Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation conference.A main topic was virtual fencing, which is a relatively new concept. Basically, ranchers draw fence lines on their computers, which are transmitted to collars that cattle wear. When those cows cross the virtual boundary, they get a beep and then a shock.
Cattle in the Rocky Mountain West are more susceptible to a high altitude disease, and researchers at the University of Wyoming are developing a program to test cattle for the disease and then sell them to regional producers at a private treaty sale.
307 Meats is a small processing facility that has the ability to think about ways to keep cattle from overheating. Many of the cattle come here from feedlots where it’s much harder to keep thousands of animals cool. Earlier this summer, over 2,000 cattle died from heat stress in Kansas feedlots due to soaring temperatures. Lots of Wyoming ranchers take their cattle to D&D Feedlot in eastern Colorado. On a tour, black and white cows stop their chewing to watch the truck pass. Cattle handler Chelsea Deering says, as a team, they take pride in practicing low-stress animal handling like talking quietly to them.
A proposed federal bill would give cattle ranchers and feedlots in Wyoming more negotiating power at the market.The Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act of 2022 would require a minimum of cattle to be sold through negotiated cash deals. Right now, it is mostly formula based, which is a set price and that does not necessarily reflect the current economy.
Cattle ranching is a costly endeavor, and one little fly can have a huge impact on that cost. Horn flies only bite cattle and some animals are more…