Bob Moore
Wyoming Sounds HostBorn in Laramie and graced with a cosmopolitan upbringing to the east of the Rockies, he grew up with a passion for music as it poured forth from an early 60s 9v transistor radio late at night. The grandfather of four beautiful girls imagines his legacy to be the passing of the musical torch in any form to them all. He plays a mean left-hand lead on the washboard in addition to helping make sure radio is kept alive and well in Wyoming.
Tris Munsick Studio Session
Alex Dunn on Wyoming Sounds
Songbird, Lauren Podjun, on Wyoming Sounds
Rob Ickes & Trey Hensley
Pop country artist and Wyoming native Jamie Hansen on Wyoming Sounds
Internationally acclaimed Artist-Songwriter David G Smith played a studio session with Dr. Robert.
Four piece rock band Wynona joined Dr. Robert and played a studio session including songs from their new album Great Big Room.
The Wyomericana Caravan rolled into Wyoming Public Radio with Dr. Robert on Thursday, Oct 28. Hear music and conversation with Wyoming artists and musicians Aaron Davis, Abby Webster, and Sarah Sample.