Back in 2020, the Trump Administration removed restrictions on telehealth services.
“We saw, especially older adults, really showed a willingness to figure out the technology to understand the process and really embrace telehealth,” said Tom Lackock, the associate state director for AARP Wyoming.
Lacock said in a rural state it helped to not have to drive miles to see a provider but rather stay at home. But starting on May 12, there will be one main change.
“During the emergency, providers were able to prescribe controlled substances without an in person exam,” said Lacock.
That flexibility will end. Otherwise, Lacock said things are squishy.
“What we're seeing now is we have a number of services that will remain available,” said Lacock. “We have some services that will remain available until the end of 2024. We have some services that were made available until the end of this year.”
He said if anyone utilizes telehealth for anything, they should call their provider to check if it's still available and if it will end anytime soon.