Looking for a pandemic read? Craig Johnson, Nina McConigley, and others have plenty of recommendations.Alyson Hagy, Laramie author of Scribe : Re-reading…
Two writing conferences will be held in Wyoming this June. The Wyoming Writers, Inc. Conference will take place in Dubois June 1 through 3, and the…
Wyoming Author C.J. Box is out with a new book today. It's his 23rd novel, but only his fifth outside his popular Joe Pickett series. Box joined Wyoming…
According to demographers, small town America is in trouble. Populations are aging and shrinking, as young people leave for the big city. But that’s not…
Author, poet, and filmmaker Sherman Alexie spent the past several days on the University of Wyoming campus as a guest of the American Indian Studies…
Laramie-based author Alyson Hagy just published a new novel called “Boleto.” It takes place in rural Wyoming and tells the story of a young man who seeks…