A Saratoga man has been publicly protesting his town council’s lack of official contact emails on its website. A state employee in the governor’s office says part of the problem is vagueness – and potential areas for improvement – in Wyoming’s open records act.
John Farr tells the story of Kit Carson, who was a famous trapper and explorer in the 1800s. John C. Fremont hired Carson on his expedition as a guide,…
Darrell Moore grew up in the historic Hotel Wolf in Saratoga, Wyoming. Fredrick G. Wolf, a German immigrant, built the hotel in 1893. Since then, the…
The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission approved nearly five million dollars in budget cuts that were necessary after the legislature failed to approved an…
The Wyoming Workforce Development Council has awarded a grant to Saratoga Forest Management to train new workers at a once-defunct sawmill they’re…
Wyoming Highway 130 between Saratoga and Centennial could open two weeks early this year because of mind winter weather.The Wyoming Department of…