The Campbell County Rockpile Museum is hosting the ProRodeo Hall of Fame Takeover, an exhibit from the ProRodeo Hall of Fame and Museum of the American Cowboy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
The OSPA Wyoming tour is performing at the Rockpile Museum on Jan. 5 and will also perform in Sheridan, Buffalo, Casper, Laramie, Cheyenne, Rock Springs, and Jackson. The band promotes traditional and contemporary Basque music and dance and celebrates the mixed musical heritage of the Basque diaspora, which has a presence in parts of Wyoming and the Mountain West.
"Dry No More: The Repeal of Prohibition" will be presented by Lucas Fralick, a member of the museum's board and program coordinator for the Wyoming Humanities Council. Discussion will focus on Prohibition in Campbell County and Wyoming more generally during the period when alcohol was outlawed nationwide during the 1920s and early 30s.
The 32 consecutive hour event showcased the history of sheepherding in northeast Wyoming and paid tribute to the men and women who have watched over flocks for more than a century.