A new study shows that out of 10 farm states in the U.S., Wyoming relies most heavily on federal tax credits to pay for its very expensive healthcare.
President Trump is now backing a lawsuit that would invalidate the entire Affordable Care Act, and that's promising to make health care a major election…
The Wyoming legislature has a long history of exploring ways to get quality and affordable insurance to more citizens, but for a variety of reasons,…
Thursday, November 1 is the first day of the six-week open enrollment for health insurance plans on the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare....
More healthcare providers around Wyoming are expressing worry over the Senate’s healthcare bill released last week.The Downtown Clinic in Laramie provides…
Many Wyoming Republicans are gushing over the vision President Donald Trump laid out in his first address to a joint session of Congress, but critics say…
The Republican Party hates so-called Obamacare, but when it comes to replacing the bill the party is divided over how to change the health care…
Wyoming's two senators are set to play a key role in the Republican effort to repeal and replace Obamacare. Senate Republicans, led by Senator Mike Enzi…
As the January 31 deadline approaches to sign up for health insurance under the government’s health care marketplace, Senate Republicans are beginning…
Last night the U.S. Senate voted to repeal so-called Obamacare – no, don’t tune out. We know Republicans have done that dozens of times, but this time is…