In many natural history museums, bee specimens are accompanied by little slips of paper that have details about each specimen, like the species name, who found it, where and when. It’s a treasure trove of data but it needs to be digitized.
Last month, the Bureau of Land Management released a five-year Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Action Plan. The basic idea is to get more members of the public involved in scientific research that helps the agency better manage the many millions of acres under its control.
The center received a grant from the Wyoming State Trails Program to create a new Avalanche Information Exchange page for the area on their website. The page is a centralized place for the public to share and see other community snow-focused observations for the Big Horn, Sierra Madre, and Snowy Mountain ranges.
Researchers have developed a snow and rain tracker that gathers data from citizen scientists in an effort to improve the accuracy of storm warnings and water management.
Citizen science is the focus of the last event planned by the Biodiversity Institute whose future is uncertain. This weekend, the Rocky Mountain Citizen…
In its remaining months, the Biodiversity Institute is gearing up for a regional conference on citizen science. In late July, the University of Wyoming…
One of the main goals of the University of Wyoming’s strategic plan is to positively impact Wyoming communities through learning outreach programs, and…
The sun will be getting a lot of attention on Monday, as spectators don their glasses and stare up at the solar eclipse. But for the first time ever…
The University of Wyoming Biodiversity Institute will host the first Wyoming Citizen Science Conference in Lander December 1.Citizen Science programs give…
Not long ago, the bright-orange monarch butterfly was a common sight in Wyoming. Now, not so much. So conservation groups are enlisting Wyomingites to…