A new research paper has found that a large number of bald and golden eagles have chronic to toxic levels of lead in their system. These levels have a potential to decrease population.
The Draper Museum Raptor Experience will be 10 years old in 2021. In honor, we are featuring the 11 raptors in the program.Jade is a bald eagle. He is the…
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is recommending that the Chokecherry-Sierra Madre wind farm near Saratoga receive a so-called “eagle take” permit that…
An environmental group is suing the federal government over eagle take permits. The permits allow wind farms to kill a certain number of protected bald…
The Endangered Species Act turned 40 this week, and two birds from Wyoming are ranked among the biggest successes of the law. The Endangered Species…
A federal judge must decide a dispute between two Wyoming Indian tribes ... over whether eagles may be killed on the Wind River Reservation for religious…