As more and more students across Wyoming enroll in classes online, it can make calculating attendance at a public school a little more tricky. And…
Wyoming’s revenue forecasting arm known as the Consensus Revenue Estimating Group or CREG had some good news for state officials. CREG says Wyoming’s…
Cities and towns are terrified about their financial future especially when it comes to having a stable source of revenue. Years ago legislators removed…
Early this summer lawmakers were looking at a massive shortfall in education funding and overall revenue. That pushed lawmakers into a lengthy discussion…
Last week consultants hired to help the state tackle its education funding deficit traversed Wyoming, hosting meetings to gather public input.Energy…
As a part of the state’s efforts to confront a funding deficit brought on by the downturn in the energy industry, the 2017 Legislature established the…
The Select Committee on School Finance Recalibration—charged with looking for ways to reduce spending in the face of funding shortfalls—announced they…
In response to the current state funding crisis, the Wyoming Department of Education surveyed school districts to see how cuts were impacting their annual…
Summer school might sound like a punishment, but according to Karen Bierhaus from the Wyoming Department of Education, it often provides opportunities for…
Representatives from the University of Wyoming Staff Senate met with President Laurie Nichols Friday to ask for what they say is a much needed overhaul to…