In 1931, joining the University of Wyoming “W” Club involved a solemn ritual. Candidates for the club had to have already received a varsity letter. Then, they were blindfolded and presented to the club president.
The young men were marched single file before an altar. The club president reminded them of their obligation to promote a high standard and general interest in athletics at UW and to uphold the traditions and customs of the University.
Inductees were led across a large “W” inscribed on the floor and told that as their footsteps traced the letter, they must remember the club mottos of vigilance and valor. Each new member received a small square pin, engraved with a pearl set “W”. And club members were told that whenever one member saw another member at a distance, he should whistle the tune “Wyoming Never Quits”.
Visit UW’s American Heritage Center to read the complete “W” club initiation ritual in the Robert H. Burns papers.