Scientists at the University of Wyoming are studying how moose respond to bark beetles killing their forest habitats.
The insects have destroyed a lot of trees in Medicine Bow National Forest. UW researcher Alex May said the goal of this project was to see how the beetles affect moose in the Snowy Range.
"We assumed that with a bunch of trees dying that maybe there's less shade available for them and so that might influence their behavior," he said. "On the flip side of that, when you knock out a bunch of forest canopy it means that more plants on the forest floor can grow, and so maybe that means there's more food available."
The study compared moose locations to a detailed map of the forest over time.
"We were really surprised in seeing that there wasn't a big difference for moose," said May. "What it really highlights is that moose are super tied to these narrow drainages where there's willow and aspen and they really just stayed there."
May said the moose population in the Snowy Range has been expanding, but this study and the recent Mullen fire suggest that growth may be coming to an end.
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