The Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Committee of the Wyoming Legislature is drafting three bills intended to address sexual harassment and assault reporting concerns in the Wyoming Military Department.
Following testimony at Monday's, Nov. 29, committee meeting from the Wyoming Military Department Adjutant General Gregory Porter, Committee Co-Chairman Don Burkhart of Rawlins suggested legislation.
"I'm trying to distill this to what I think will make the biggest impact, the quickest, … one I've heard is to make the annual report that we've seen to be provided annually," said Burkhart.
In addition, Burkhart suggested allowing local law enforcement to exchange information with the military department to catch bad actors and conduct an external oversight of the military department. He also urged the governor to conduct his own external review of the previous cases that have gone to court.
"[External oversight] that may not be popular with the military department to have an outside agency look over them. But that would be the best bang for the buck I think at this time," said Burkhart.
Porter said the department doesn't have a culture that enables sexual harassment or sexual assault, nor is there a systemic issue, but he did admit there are bad actors and a culture of inappropriate comments and jokes.
Recent reporting by Wyoming Public Media and WyoFile has highlighted otherwise. The committee plans to meet and discuss possible legislation on Jan. 11.