On Tuesday, park personnel recovered the body of Will Cornyn, a hiker in Grand Teton National Park who had been reported missing on Monday. Cornyn was found at the foot of a steep drop near Inspiration Hill after a six-hour search. He is the fifth visitor to die in the park this year.
Most fatalities that occur in the park are caused by risky activities such as rock climbing, white-water rafting, and hiking in the backcountry.
Park official Jackie Skaggs says that planning ahead, understanding one’s own physical limitations, and being prepared makes for a safer trip.
“Always we tell people to leave an agenda or an itinerary with someone—let them know where they’re going, what they plan to do, and when they plan to return—so that if someone is overdue, we can begin a search and rescue operation,” Skaggs cautioned.
Grand Teton National Park averages more than 3 million visitors and between 2 and 6 fatalities each year.