Update 3/18/20 at 3 p.m.: Sleeping Giant announced on its Facebook page Wednesday afternoon, March 18, that it will close.
"Due to new information and the most recent update from the Park County Health Officer, Sleeping Giant Ski Area has decided to suspend operations for the remainder of the season. This decision was not made lightly, but we must put the health of the community first. Please keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Thank you for your continued support, have an enjoyable summer and hope to see you next winter."
As of this time Anteloppe Butte lifts remain open six days a week and all food operations are closed.
One of those is Sleeping Giant just west of Cody. Otto Goldbach, a member of the resorts' nonprofit board, Yellowstone Recreations Foundation, said after lots of consideration they decided to keep lifts open for the last weekend of the season with a few changes.
"We've decided keep the chair lists open, all the outside operations going. Limited use to lodge, we'd make the bathrooms available. Ticket sales would be through an outside window. And food sales can be through the back door," he said.
Goldbach said the decision was difficult but they wanted people to have the opportunity to spend time outside.
"Hopefully, they're gonna be practicing their social distance thing. A ski area is pretty easy to spread out minus the lodge so I think that's the biggest point of contact congregating inside the lodge," said Goldbach.
Antelope Butte between Greybull and Sheridan also plans to keep its lifts open six days a week until March 24. All food operations are closed.
Have a question about this story? Contact the reporter, Kamila Kudelska, at kkudelsk@uwyo.edu.