Wyoming's graduation rates continue to rise. There has been modest growth for eight straight years and now it stands at 82.4 percent. Seventeen school districts saw graduation rates of 90 percent or more. Interim Superintendent of Public Instruction Kari Eakins said an increase during the pandemic is no small feat.
"We saw creativity, innovation, and diligence from parents, students, and staff to make sure that quality education was available to students in Wyoming," she said.
But Eakins added they still have a handful of school districts that will require some special attention to get back on track, especially in Fremont County.
"Native American students and some homeless students, specifically for them, saw that graduation rate go down. So obviously we will be looking at the district and schools to see if there are additional supports that can be offered to help those students. Because we know that the pandemic was a challenge for everyone, but definitely hit some students harder than others," Eakins said.
One struggling district saw some improvement though. Niobrara School District Number One saw a 19 percent jump from last year to a 62 percent graduation rate.