As the state slowly recovers from the pandemic, it is important for people to get the education and training they need to secure good-paying jobs. The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services (DWS) Director Robin Cooley said they can help.
As of June 19, the DWS is launching a reemployment campaign to help people around the state learn about the services they offer—including training, tuition assistance to help complete a GED certificate or college degree, assisting with job searches, resume writing, mock interviews and much more.
There are a slew of job openings across the state, especially in the tourism and hospitality industry that's really ramping up now for the summertime. Because of that seasonal need, Wyomingites have indicated they do want to get back to work.
"The jobs are out there in the fields that people are interested in," said Cooley. "So, I just encourage people to really come into the Workforce Center to learn about those opportunities and to get more information."
The DWS provides no-cost services at Wyoming's Workforce Centers to gain the skills needed to land a better job. They can help job seekers find high-wage, in-demand jobs and provide a more skilled workforce for Wyoming employers.
They also have a workforce training development grant fund to help those who are already in the workforce to improve their skills.
This story is supported by a grant through Wyoming EPSCoR and the National Science Foundation.