Most states don’t require teacher representation on the State Board of Education. But Wyoming is among the few that do, and give those teachers voting rights. That’s according to Education Weekly, which published preliminary research from the National Association of State Boards of Education.
Eight states appoint teachers, and just four — Wyoming, Arizona, Tennessee and Mississippi — give teachers voting rights with their appointment.
State Boards of Education are responsible for approving standards and assessment tools, as well as holding schools accountable. Those decisions affect what’s taught and how educational outcomes are measured, which directly impacts teachers.
Wyoming Education Association President, Kathy Vetter, said teachers’ voting rights help to ensure standards align with student needs. “And I think that’s one of the reasons we’re a leader in education across the nation.”
Vetter added, “What it really says is that Wyoming through its constitution, through its State Board of Education, through all of our documents show that we truly believe that education is of great importance in Wyoming.”
The governor appoints one teacher to serve on the 13 member board for a six-year term. According to a spokesperson with the Wyoming Legislative Services Office, the policy went into effect in 1967.