The Sweetwater County Historical Museum has found a rare photograph of the county’s original commercial airport. The Rock Springs Rocket Miner reports construction of what was then known as the Rock Springs Municipal Airport began in August of 1920 about four miles north of town. It opened in September and functioned until the mid-1950s when a new airport was built in its current location east of Rock Springs. The aerial photograph of the old airport and runway was taken in 1967, long after the site was abandoned. Staff plotted its precise location immediately south of the White Mountain Golf Course.
A Casper mother and daughter have published their first book together. K2Radio reports Sandy and Taylor Priesler coauthored “The Ties that Divide,” a murder mystery set in 1809. They planted Easter eggs throughout the book in hopes of publishing a sequel by next year.
And, Sheridan residents will have new art to look at soon. The Sheridan Press reports the Public Arts Committee has selected seven new on-loan sculptures from artists across the country to be added to the existing 24 around town. They go up June 15.