Today is a Leap Day. Did you know that there is an old tradition of women proposing to the man they admire during a Leap Year?
The Park County Enterprise reported on September 8, 1920, that if a woman proposed and was rejected by the man of her choice, he must soften her disappointment with a silk gown and a kiss. They warn though that with how expensive silk is right now, it may just be better for the man to accept.
The Cheyenne State Leader on December 31, 1923, had some advice for unmarried men who wanted to stay that way in the upcoming year, which was a leap year. Some of the tips include: “Wear your Christmas neckties all during Leap Year and they will help you stay single.” “Quit shaving during Leap Year and you are safe. No girl will propose to a human hairbrush.” “Put on short pants, eat stick candy and cry. Foolish, but will keep you single during Leap Year.” And finally, “Punch your girl in the eye and laugh when she cries. It will keep you single during Leap Year.” Some of these tips are more advisable than others. The article closes out reminding the reader that there are only 13 more risky months before Leap Year is gone.
Good luck out there!