The Thunder Basin High School football team’s homecoming win wasn’t the only celebration during the game. Oil City News reports Lance Corporal Justin Dennison came home for leave right before his deployment. Wearing his dress blues, he came onto the field before the game, surprising his cheerleader sister, Delaney. He was scheduled to be overseas for her graduation and wanted to to see and support her before he left.
Fans of the show “Yellowstone” can now represent it in another way. K2Radio reports products from beef sticks to seasonings to coffee are now bearing the Yellowstone logo on Wyoming grocery store shelves.
Sheridan resident Josh Hanson is jumping into the book publishing scene. The Sheridan Press reports he just released his first horror novel “King’s Hill.” And on November 7, he will be releasing his first novella “The Woodcutters,” based on the local history of the Wagon Box Fight of 1867.
In other literary news, the Natrona County Library is looking for help naming its new life-size fiberglass buffalo. It was painted by a Wyoming artist and was part of a Nicolaysen Art Museum fundraiser before making its way to the library. Name submissions are due by November 8.