Miners who were killed in an explosion 100 years ago were honored on its anniversary earlier this month. The Kemmerer Gazette reports people gathered at the cemetery to remember the 99 miners from Frontier Mine. They said a prayer, read the miners’ names, and placed pieces of evergreen on the graves.
A Frannie resident has summited Heart Mountain 14 times. The Powell Tribune reports Tonie Moore completed her first climb at 69 years old and has done it nearly every year since. She’s now 85. This year, she didn’t go up until July because of the weather. But she normally goes on a group climb in early June on her birthday.
A Rock Springs ophthalmologist is taking his skills to Belize. SweetwaterNow reports Dr. Peter Jensen has been participating in the Belize Eye Mission through Physicians Mission LLC since 2008. The small team provides much needed surgical eye care.
Cheyenne has been certified through the Better Cities for Pets program as a pet-friendly city. The Wyoming Tribune Eagle reports the program uses input from government and animal welfare experts for the certification.