A local author recently released a children’s book. The Casper Star-Tribune reports Maci Welch wrote and illustrated “The Grumble Bear” while studying at the University of Wyoming.
A former New York man has found a unique position in the community of Gillette. The Gillette News Record reports Mike Kennedy is technically a part-time desk clerk for the Campbell County Rockpile Museum. But he is more often found restoring the various historic items found in the museum’s collection. He’s currently working on restoring an old control panel from the Neil Simpson Power Plant I for a future exhibit.
Eight members of Sheridan College’s Agriculture Club had a successful trip to the National Professional Agriculture Student Organization Conference. The Equine Team earned first place overall. The Farm Business Management Specialist team earned third place overall. And Kenny Raymond earned first place in the Employment Interview Forestry and Natural Resources division.
Another achievement, Patrick Edwards from Riverton has broken two records for biggest fish in Wyoming. Edwards broke the state record for longnose sucker and his own state record for white sucker. The white sucker record may also tie a world record.