According to the Wyoming Historical Society, on April 9, 1889, Francis E. Warren was reappointed as Wyoming’s territorial governor by President Benjamin Harrison. On the same day a year later, he was inaugurated as the first governor of the state of Wyoming. Also on April 9, but in 1892, the 52 invaders of Johnson County surrounded and finally killed Nate Champion and his friend Nick Ray at the KC Ranch in present-day Kaycee. This came to be called the Johnson County War. Federal troops had to intervene four days later. The invaders were surrounded by a posse eight times bigger and stopped, but they were never brought to trial. On April 11, 1956, Congress passed the Colorado River Storage Project Act, funding the Flaming Gorge Dam and Reservoir and other projects. On April 14, 1902, a young James Cash Penney and two partners opened a new Golden Rule store in Kemmerer. It would eventually become the start of the JC Penney Company.
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