According to the Wyoming State Historical Society, on October 2, 1909, the invention of the coyote proof fence was announced. Also on October 2, but in 1924, the 12th Wyoming governor, William B. Ross, died while in office of appendicitis. After his death, a special election was held where his wife, Nellie Tayloe Ross, won and became the first female governor in the United States. On October 3, 1882, the Cheyenne Daily Leader commented on the brand-new, $64,000 Ames Monument saying that it "lacks the grand appearance so much money ought to buy." On October 4, 1909, Upton residents voted for incorporation. On October 5, 1965, the Gemini 5 astronauts went elk hunting in Wyoming. On October 6, 1955, United Airlines Flight 409 crashed into Medicine Bow Peak in Carbon County, killing all 66 people on board. On October 7, 1941, Glenn Miller donated 50 records to the troops at Fort Warren. On October 8, 1944, 200 students were released from school to assist with the harvest in Worland.
And according to the Wyoming State Almanac, on October 8, 1962, five feet of snow fell in northern Wyoming.