Beneficial fire is an essential part of confronting the wildfire crisis. But for now, there’s not enough people to do the work. A prescribed burn this spring in Central Idaho shows how partnerships can get more workers on the line.
The build-out of clean energy infrastructure in the West on its current trajectory would occupy about 39 million acres of land – roughly three-fourths the size of Utah – by 2050. A new study by The Nature Conservancy, however, suggests that the right mix of technologies can cut the amount of land needed in half.
Reducing speed limits might sound like a cheap, easy way to keep both human and wildlife safe on Wyoming roads.Not so, says a new study from the Wyoming…
Black-footed ferrets were once thought to be extinct, but that all changed when one was found on the Lazy BV Ranch outside of Meeteetse in the 1980s. What…
Researchers at the University of Washington are proposing better ways to study the link between health and exposure to the natural world.A…
There are thousands of abandoned mines in Wyoming. But recently Lander middle schoolers helped plant sage brush to help reclaim one mine near Jeffrey…