The country's first national monument has implemented the voluntary closure since 1996 to honor the cultural and religious celebrations of Indigenous peoples, of which 26 tribes hold Devils Tower as significant in their cultural or religious beliefs. It's led to a significant decline in climbers scaling the tower during June among the thousands of visitors that climb each year.
"Grounded: Restoring our world through a Sacred Harmony with the earth and each other" is currently on exhibit at the Nicolaysen Art Museum in Casper. If features the work of 15 Native American artists from several tribes from the Great Plains. It will tour six locations in communities throughout the state before heading out-of-state, including Washington, D.C. and internationally for the next two years.
In the late 1960s an archeological site near Hyattville revealed around 10,000 years of tribal history. That site became an official state archaeological site in 1973. The Medicine Lodge State Archaeological Site is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2023.