My Powerful Hair, a new book by author Carole Lindstrom and illustrator Steph Littlebird, conveys the importance of hair in Native American culture despite the enduring traumas of the federal boarding school era.
A hearing loop featuring T-coil technology has allowed hearing-impaired patrons to better enjoy the WYO's offerings. This technology is the first of its kind installed in a theater in Wyoming.
With the start of school comes the start of a number of cultural programs at the University of Wyoming. Janelle Fletcher is the Director of UW Presents.…
As the University of Wyoming begins another semester, a new line-up of cultural programming at the school is on the horizon. Janelle Fletcher is the…
The University of Wyoming is beginning another school year, and with it comes a new season of visiting performers through the school’s Cultural Programs.…
Late next month the fall 2015 season of Cultural Programs at the University of Wyoming will get underway with a September 29th performance of Huun Huur…
The Linden String Quartet is a rising star in the chamber music world. The quartet has won first prize in five major competitions and recently completed a…
Over the past decade, traditional singer Julie Fowlis has built a career singing songs in the native language of her Scottish island home. Wyoming Public…