Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Office was listed in a national report for racial profiling and anti-immigrant statements. But, the Sheriff's office unequivocally disputes this claim.
The ACLU of Wyoming is hosting a virtual forum this weekend, providing space for a discussion about police brutality. The call-in forum encourages…
As shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders get extended further into the year, some local governments across the Mountain West are threatening jail to…
As U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, increases its activity in Wyoming and the nation, some activists are taking steps to provide legal…
A much more concerted effort is underway to abolish the death penalty in Wyoming. The League of Women Voters, religious groups, the Wyoming ACLU and…
A coalition to stop the construction of a privately-run immigrant detention center in Evanston is organizing events across the state called Fiestas de…
A new report says Wyoming’s prison system is growing, which is driving up costs and the culprit is the lack of prison reform and new legislation that…
In Wyoming, first-time offenders under the age of 25 can qualify for a six-month boot camp, but the program is only available to men. In a lawsuit against…
When WPR visited Wyoming American Civil Liberties Union Director Linda Burt at her sunny Cheyenne office she was packing boxes in between phone calls. She…
The Wyoming Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is closing permanently, making Wyoming the only state in the nation without an ACLU office.The…