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October 6, 2023

  • On the show for the 10th anniversary of Matthew Shepard's murder, Wyoming Public Radio reported on the impact Shepard’s death had on those reporters covering the breaking news. Wyoming Public Radio's Elsa Partan introduced the story.
  • We have gone back into our archives and chosen some stories from Wyoming Public Radio’s 10th and 20th anniversary reporting of the Matthew Shepard murder. Starting with a 10th anniversary look back at WPR’s reporting immediately after Shepard’s death 25 years ago. Wyoming Public Radio’s Elsa Partan introduces the story.
  • Five years ago, 20 years after his death, Matthew Shepard's autopsy was released. During the 20th anniversary show, Wyoming Public Radio’s Melodie Edwards spoke to the coroner who conducted Shepard’s autopsy.
  • It was 25 years ago that Matthew Shepard, a young gay man, was brutally murdered in Laramie. While long time residents may remember those events, a lot of Wyoming's college students weren't alive yet when it happened. Wyoming Public Radio's Jordan Uplinger interviewed people around campus to see what they think about the historic event.
  • The Shepard Symposium on Social Justice is an annual event held at the University of Wyoming. It hopes to bring attention to inequities still experienced today and find solutions. Dr. Anne Guzzo was asked by the conductor of this year’s music show to compose a piece of music in honor of Matthew Shepard.
  • In the 25 years since the death of her son, Judy Shepard has advocated on the national stage for LGBTQ acceptance. She pushed for and witnessed former President Barrack Obama’s signing of the Matthew Shepard and James Bird, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act in 2009. Throughout the years, award-winning playwrights, directors and musicians have produced art grappling with the death of her son and what it has meant for the larger culture. Shepard spoke with Wyoming Public Radio’s Jeff Victor about Matthew’s legacy, the everyday reminders of his life and, despite everything, her hope for the future and for the next generation.
Listen to the Full Show
  • On today’s show, we remember Mathew Shepard - a gay University of Wyoming student murdered 25 years ago this month. His death impacted Laramie, Wyoming, and the nation, symbolizing the oppression and violence faced by gay and other marginalized Americans. We’re going to do things a little differently by playing stories from Wyoming Public Radio’s 10th and 20th anniversary coverage and new reporting from this year, including checking in on the impact this coverage had on an AP reporter, 20 years later, the autopsy was released and we spoke to the coroner, and we go around the UW campus to see if college students think Laramie has changed. We also speak with Judy Shepard, who is Mathew’s mother. Those stories and more.

Jeff is a part-time reporter for Wyoming Public Media, as well as the owner and editor of the Laramie Reporter, a free online news source providing in-depth and investigative coverage of local events and trends.
Jordan Uplinger was born in NJ but has traveled since 2013 for academic study and work in Oklahoma, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. He gained experience in a multitude of areas, including general aviation, video editing, and political science. In 2021, Jordan's travels brought him to find work with the Wyoming Conservation Corps as a member of Americorps. After a season with WCC, Jordan continued his Americorps service with the local non-profit, Feeding Laramie Valley. His deep interest in the national discourse on class, identity, American politics and the state of material conditions globally has led him to his internship and eventual employment with Wyoming Public Radio.
Melodie Edwards is the host and producer of WPM's award-winning podcast The Modern West. Her Ghost Town(ing) series looks at rural despair and resilience through the lens of her hometown of Walden, Colorado. She has been a radio reporter at WPM since 2013, covering topics from wildlife to Native American issues to agriculture.
Originally from Casper, Wyoming, Taylor moved to Laramie, Wyoming in the fall of 2020. She is a fourth-year journalism major with a minor in jazz at the University of Wyoming. She has participated in many musical ensembles on campus, including the University of Wyoming Symphony Orchestra and the Western Thunder Marching Band. In her free time, she enjoys playing video games, watching cartoons, camping, and swimming.